Press Release- Consolidation of Bodega Bay Fire into Sonoma County Fire District

Yesterday the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) took a significant step toward the finalization of the consolidation of the Bodega Bay Fire Protection District with the Sonoma County Fire District.
BBFPD will now be SCFD Station 10 in the consolidated agency. From land to sea, the District will provide 24/7 “all risk” service to a large area of Sonoma County. SCFD’s 9-1-1 Paramedic response/transport ambulances and Paramedic staffed engines, will provide lifesaving emergency medical services in both urban and rural areas.
SCFD is known as an innovative District that has successfully used prior consolidations to enhance both service levels and administrative efficiency. The consolidation is the result of a multi-year commitment of both agencies, their boards, leadership, and staff.
“This consolidation merges two strong agencies into one. We know each other well and we share common values, and we share a common mission. I am excited about our combined future. The Sonoma County Fire District is known for its visionary approach to creating a better fire and emergency medical service model and, for the last couple of years, we have been working together to push those frontiers. Many of our initiatives will not only improve the services in Sonoma County, but are being followed throughout the state. We are grateful for the opportunities this consolidation is giving us and we will take advantage of each and every one of them as we build an innovative, strong, and robust safety net for all we serve” said BBFPD Assistant Chief, Steve Herzberg.
We would not have gotten here without the strong support of those we serve, the individuals, community groups, and organizations that have supported us at every turn.
“This has been a long process for both agencies and we could not be more thankful for the commitment by our members, the Bodega Bay residents and property owners, District Boards, and the Board of Supervisors to get this across the finish line. This will allow us to deliver top notch fire and life safety services to our Bodega Bay community and afford us the ability to provide the enhanced services that a larger organization can deliver across the entirety of the 250 square miles of the Sonoma County Fire District” said SCFD Fire Chief, Mark Heine.
Although there are a few more procedural steps to be taken, the “Go-Live” date has been set for July 1, 2022. To make that possible, the agencies have been implementing transition plans for several months, all with the goal in mind, to provide the highest levels of care to those who call us in some of their worst moments.
Contact: Division Chief/Fire Marshal, Cyndi Foreman
Phone: 707-892-2003