Request for Quotation (RFQ 23-04) STN 1 & 10 LED Electronic Sign Project
Station 1 and Station 10 LED ELECTRONIC SIGN PROJECT
DATE ISSUED: December 19, 2023
BIDS DUE: January 15, 2024 at 2:00 p.m.
TO: Sonoma County Fire District 8200 Old Redwood Hwy Windsor, CA 95492
Sealed bids, signed and in the original only, subject to the invitation for bids, provisions and
specifications, will be received at 8200 Old Redwood Hwy Windsor, CA 95492 or by email to Chief
Finance Officer, until 2:00:00 p.m.(as per Fire District Clock only – no
other clock will be acceptable), January 15, 2024, for furnishing the supplies and/or services
described in the accompanying schedule.
The Sonoma County Fire District (SCFD) invites qualified contractors to submit bids for the design,
supply, installation, and maintenance and training of LED electronic signs at Station #1 located at 8200 Old Redwood Hwy, Windsor, CA and Station #10 is located at 510 Hwy 1, Bodega Bay, CA
These LED signs will serve as essential tools for conveying important public information and
emergency alerts to the community. Maintenance and training should be provided by company that is
within approximately 120 miles of Sonoma County.
1. Station #1: 8200 Old Redwood Hwy, Windsor, Sonoma County, CA, 95492
2. Station #10: 510 Hwy 1, Bodega Bay, Sonoma County, CA, 94923
Click on link below for full RFQ:
RFP - Station 1 Station 10 LED Signs.pdf